Meet Your Trainer and Coach ——

Kyle Golden

Kyle in office

Hi, I am Kyle Golden, a certified personal trainer, life coach, and transformation specialist with a background in plant-based nutrition. For over 16 years I have helped hundreds of clients find their path to better health. Helping you embrace a healthy lifestyle and realize your full potential is my passion!

My journey to a healthier lifestyle began as a teenager. Struggling with self-esteem due to lack of physical activity, I decided to make a change senior year. I embraced regular workouts, improved my diet, and prioritized my health. This initiated more than a physical transformation; it required a shift in self-perception. It began my ongoing journey towards lifelong wellness.

After college, I entered finance, but it wasn't fulfilling. In 2007, I transitioned to wellness, inspired by my personal health transformation. I became a certified personal trainer and started my fitness company, evolving from Work It Personal Training to the more holistic Vireo Fitness. It's been a journey of growth and appreciation.

In 2017, my partner Paul and I adopted a plant-based lifestyle, sparking my passion. I became certified in plant-based nutrition and dedicated myself to combating lifestyle-related diseases. Plant-based diets aren't just for personal health; they're also about environmental conservation and ethical farming. I understand change is hard, so I focus on balance and progress over perfection for each client.

As a certified life coach with over 25 years of personal relationship experience, I've added another layer to my expertise. My understanding of the challenges couples face enriches my approach. Mindset is everything in achieving wellness goals, but it's no easy task. My coaching style helps clients align their health choices with their values and dreams. It's the combination of personal experience, relationship insights, nutrition, fitness know-how, and coaching finesse that crafts life-changing programs for my clients.

Outside the gym, I explore life with Paul through our shared love for plant-based cuisine and wine, especially hidden gems in central Texas. My serenity comes from gardening, meditating, and enjoying nature. Volunteering at the local shelter and parenting two sassy bunnies, Violet and Sway, enrich my life.


+ Certified Professional Coach - IAPRC

+ Certified Transformation Specialist - ISSA

+ Certified in Plant-Based Nutrition – T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies

+ Certified Personal Trainer – ISSA

+ B.A. in Psychology – St. Edward’s University, Austin, TX

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